
blotunga has re-build BotE for Android - in this area it's all about BotE Android (Java-based), and also for the Windows and Linux version based on BotE Android (Java)
Senior Kadett
Senior Kadett
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Registriert: Donnerstag 24. März 2016, 13:46

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Pawleus »

Unless I am missing something there is no way of cancelling trade routes apart from cancelling the whole treaty. It seems to me that I've read somewhere that establishing a new trade route to the system is supposed to cancel the old one but it doesn't work this way.
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Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von blotunga »

Pawleus hat geschrieben:Unless I am missing something there is no way of cancelling trade routes apart from cancelling the whole treaty. It seems to me that I've read somewhere that establishing a new trade route to the system is supposed to cancel the old one but it doesn't work this way.
It does , but it's not instant. Cancelling a trade route takes about 5 turns. If you repeat a route to the same system it will enter cancel mode and it will take 5 turns to complete cancelling. This is because income from trade routes is random and you shouldn't be able to cancel them right away to get a better roll.
Senior Kadett
Senior Kadett
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Registriert: Donnerstag 24. März 2016, 13:46

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Pawleus »

I've just tested it 2x with different systems and it looks like it doesn't work as you say - there is no cancelling even in 10 turns.

Something is still wrong with wormholes in 0.6.90 - I see stable wormholes leading to unstable ones. Unless it's because the quadrant was generated before 0.6.90?
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Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von blotunga »

Pawleus hat geschrieben:I've just tested it 2x with different systems and it looks like it doesn't work as you say - there is no cancelling even in 10 turns.

Something is still wrong with wormholes in 0.6.90 - I see stable wormholes leading to unstable ones. Unless it's because the quadrant was generated before 0.6.90?
I have no idea, but i will look into both issues . Normally the cancellation should work. Could you please send a save with the wormhole issue. I'm curious to see what happened there.
Senior Kadett
Senior Kadett
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Registriert: Donnerstag 24. März 2016, 13:46

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Pawleus »

I will actually send you 2 saves because I've found a bug with terraforming. The 1st save (15) is from the end of my previous turn (just before I clicked the End Turn button) and the 2nd one (16) is from the next turn showing the bug.

The wormhole bug you could see in the sector 49,69 where leads the stable wormhole from sector 19,51 - instead of a stable wormhole there is an unstable one targeting yet another sector. I suppose a stable wormhole should connect to a stable one with both having each other as a target.

In the 2nd save you could see in the system Ikonion (29,54) that my colonizer tries to terraform M class planet Ikonion 2 - at the end of the previous turn (the 1st save) the colonizer was terraforming Pisces 2 in the neighboring system but I accidentally ordered it to move to Ikonion at the same time. Not only didn't it stop terraforming (it did terraform while moving!) but it started on its own to terraform the corresponding planet in the next system (or perhaps I should say it pretends to do it because the planet is not terraformable :) ).

Edit: If I remember correctly I had ordered it to move, first, but I changed my mind and then ordered it to terraform in Pisces - I didn't realize that the move order was not cancelled.
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Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von blotunga »

So you have simply moved a ship performing terraforming and it didn't cancel the order? That's really weird, but i will check. Does the stable wormhole lead to another stable one and the unstable one just happens to lead on one of them? That can happen because unstable one sometimes can link randomly anywhere in the galaxy.
Senior Kadett
Senior Kadett
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Registriert: Donnerstag 24. März 2016, 13:46

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Pawleus »

No, as I said the stable one leads to the unstable one.
Beiträge: 855
Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von blotunga »

Pawleus hat geschrieben:No, as I said the stable one leads to the unstable one.
Then definitely a bug... what about reproducing the terraform issue? Can it be reproduced easily every time? What are the exact steps?
Senior Kadett
Senior Kadett
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Registriert: Donnerstag 24. März 2016, 13:46

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Pawleus »

Yes, it's easily reproducible (I just did it multiple times in a different system with the different class of colonizers) and it's how I described it in my edit to the previous post - you just have to not use the Multi Turn button but click on the system instead.
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Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von blotunga »

Pawleus hat geschrieben:Yes, it's easily reproducible (I just did it multiple times in a different system with the different class of colonizers) and it's how I described it in my edit to the previous post - you just have to not use the Multi Turn button but click on the system instead.
Ah ok,now i see what you mean. I will fix this later when i get back home. Probably on Monday a new version will be out :lol:
Senior Kadett
Senior Kadett
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Registriert: Donnerstag 24. März 2016, 13:46

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Pawleus »

I may be wrong but it seems to me that the terraform bug was absent in previous versions because otherwise I would have noticed it earlier and I've been under impression from the beginning of my playing 0.6.90 that I have to do something slightly different when setting orders - I am just not sure what is different.
Beiträge: 855
Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von blotunga »

Pawleus hat geschrieben:I may be wrong but it seems to me that the terraform bug was absent in previous versions because otherwise I would have noticed it earlier and I've been under impression from the beginning of my playing 0.6.90 that I have to do something slightly different when setting orders - I am just not sure what is different.
I did overhaul some things so it may be a new one.
Wo he hiv
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Registriert: Samstag 12. März 2016, 20:24

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Wo he hiv »

Bei mir sind manchmal die Grafiken etwas verzerrt (nach oben in die Länge gezogen). Das betrifft zum Beispiel das Rassenbild bei der Auswahl der Rasse, wenn man ein neues Spiel startet. Auch im Erstkontaktbildschirm sind, zumindest oft, die Grafiken etwas verzerrt. Es ist nicht wirklich schlimm, bloss etwas irritierend.
Beiträge: 855
Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2014, 15:05

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von blotunga »

Wo he hiv hat geschrieben:Bei mir sind manchmal die Grafiken etwas verzerrt (nach oben in die Länge gezogen). Das betrifft zum Beispiel das Rassenbild bei der Auswahl der Rasse, wenn man ein neues Spiel startet. Auch im Erstkontaktbildschirm sind, zumindest oft, die Grafiken etwas verzerrt. Es ist nicht wirklich schlimm, bloss etwas irritierend.
Kann es wegen der Auflösung sein?
Wo he hiv
Beiträge: 217
Registriert: Samstag 12. März 2016, 20:24

Re: Bugs

Beitrag von Wo he hiv »

Keine Ahnung. Das Problem existiert nur mit deiner Version von BotE. Die Bildschirmauflösung ist 1280x1024 .

Edit: Ich habe gerade, in einem alten Spielstand, falls das bei diesem Bug auch eine Rolle spielt, gemerkt, dass der Ionensturm nicht funktioniert. Die Schilde werden nicht verstärkt.
Und offenbar (das wäre zumindest in meinen Augen ein Bug) kann ich Handelsrouten auch in unbewohnte Systeme legen, vorausgesetzt sie gehören zum Gebiet eines anderen Majors, mit dem ich mindestens einen Handelsvertrag habe.

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